
Co-Curricular Activities

Primary School

Providing opportunity for children to try as many different activities as possible is an important aspect of a Primary School education. The students have an array of choices, including: 

  •  Chess
  •  Choir
  •  Band
  •  Student Representative Council
  •  Public Speaking/Debating
  •  Coding and Robotics
  •  Worship Leading
  •  Music Tutor Program
  •  Library lunchtime activities and Maker Space
  •  Premier’s Reading Challenge

Children in the Primary School participate in school and House sport on Fridays. Sport on a wider scale is available in many sporting teams and individual sporting activities.

Many exciting incursions and excursions are organised for our Primary students. Year 5 participate in an overnight trip to Bathurst/Jenolan Caves and Year 6 travel to Canberra for their annual excursion to our nation’s capital. Year 6 students love assisting their Kindergarten buddies in our Buddy Program.

Primary students are involved in fundraising to support our Sponsor children through Baptist World Aid Australia and Christmas shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Secondary School

The College provides involvement in:

  • Chess
  • Debating
  • Public Speaking
  • Worship Leading
  • Music Tutor Program
  • Duke of Edinburgh International Award
  • Max Potential
  • Leadership
  • Mission opportunities
  • Science Competitions: Engineering Challenge, Bridge Building and Electric Bike Competition.

Students from Kindergarten to Year 11 are involved in English Buddy Reading Days.

Our Senior students run lunchtime Bible Studies for students in Years 7-12. Students from Years 9-12 have the opportunity to be involved in the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. Our Drama students and others perform in our much anticipated Musical or Drama production each year. Year 11 students are involved in our Peer Support program to assist our new Year 7 students.

Senior students have the opportunity to join a cultural field trip to visit our Japanese Sister School, Shizuoka Kita High School, every second year and develop friendships, practise language skills and learn about each other’s culture. Every other year Shizuoka Kita High School visit GPCC to engage with our students.

Several mission trips are available for our students in Years 9-12, AIM (Australian Inland Missions) for Year 9 students to the Australian Outback, and Backyard Blitz assistance in our local community. Year 10 students have the opportunity to teach Special Religious Education (SRE) in a local Government school. Fundraising for several mission organisations is also undertaken throughout the year.

Many opportunities exist for talented Music students to join one of our GPCC Bands, Worship Band and Primary Choir. We have a Music Tuition program for interested students to learn an array of musical instruments.

Sport is available up to national level in a wide variety of sports for any interested and talented students, this includes individual and team sports.

The College provides many opportunities for Senior students to develop leadership skills, not the least of which is our system of College Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects. The leaders in our College are given the opportunity to serve in our College community, including leading tours on our College Open Days.


Music is an important part in the life of our College from Kindergarten through to Year 12 and the HSC

Our Music Department works tirelessly to provide many opportunities to our students, from beginners to very talented and experienced musicians. Learning a musical instrument improves many areas of education, including concentration and self discipline. The College offers individual tutoring by professional musicians in a variety of instruments. Our various bands offer great experience in playing in a band situation and our Worship Bands have many opportunities to play for Chapel and special events. Music and singing can give us all wonderful connection in giving praise to our God and experiencing community.

School productions are a major highlight for many students each year. Our Primary School puts on a Musical each year and produces very polished performances which the whole school community enjoys.

In the Secondary School we have a Dramatic Production one year and a Musical Production the next to keep the variety and opportunities available for all. Students gain fantastic experience through working together as a team to put on these performances. Our parent body look forward to attending these productions and are usually amazed and gratified at the high level of performances.

“The Strength Potential Program is based on the well-researched fact that we develop most by focusing on the positive in our life.  Students come to see that you have unique in-built strengths and you are able to develop them.  Students come to understand that it is possible to start with what you have and not be weighed down by focusing on what you don’t have.  This doesn’t mean its OK for you to ignore the things you could do better… but you can learn to manage these things and not major on them." 

Ross Carlyon, Strength Potential